Principles of Affiliation
Professional Photographers of America (PPA) and organizations affiliated with PPA agree and resolve to work cooperatively to further the interest of our common members and otherwise act together to advance professional image making. We jointly recognize and acknowledge that we are autonomous organizations that bring individual perspectives and viewpoints to the challenge of serving our members. Despite our unique strengths, we jointly understand that, in some instances, we work best to benefit our members when we work together. These Principles of Affiliation are a declaration of our mutual responsibilities to each other:
1 Promote mutually beneficial programs.
- PPA will promote the value of participation in affiliate organizations to PPA members.
- PPA will share new member information with affiliates.
- Affiliates will promote membership in PPA to their members.
- Affiliates will share new member information with PPA.
- Both parties agree to work together when beneficial to develop and promote educational and professional growth for their members.
- Both parties will search for other innovative methods to work together.
- Communicate and share information in a spirit of honesty, openness and integrity. Regularly exchange publications so that PPA and affiliates are informed of the others’ activities.
- Enhance and further develop a spirit of cooperation and goodwill between PPA and PPA Affiliate organizations.
To support the above principles, PPA will do the following:
- Make PPA merits available for affiliate use, according to the PPA merit charts.
- Host workshops and forums for the sharing of ideas and the development of affiliate leadership and management skills.
- Maintain a nationwide standard for image judging and an approved jurors list.
- Share the results of member information and needs surveys.
- List affiliates and major affiliate events in PPA publications.
To support the above principles, the affiliate will do the following:
- Conduct its affairs in accordance with its bylaws.
- Abide by the PPA membership Code of Ethics.
- Not have any membership requirements that are discriminatory or in violation of federal antitrust law.
- Adhere to federal laws against price sharing.
- Comply with renewal requirements as set by the PPA board of directors.
- Follow all PPA merit rules.
- Identify and support a PPA membership contact position within the affiliate.
- Identify itself to members and the public as a PPA Affiliate.
- Communicate and distribute PPA information to affiliate members.
- Promote and encourage the use of PPA events, programs and materials.
- The Affiliate president must maintain a PPA membership during the entire year of his/her presidency.