End of Year Competition Guidelines Rules
PPSA End of Year Digital Photographic Competition Guidelines & Rules
We encourage members in good standing to participate in image competition. The following guidelines will assist those wanting to enter our digital photographic competition. All entries must be submitted through PrintCompetition.com
The PPSA Annual Image Competition allows photographers to enter digital images or albums to be judged against a standard of excellence using the 12 Elements of a Merit Image. This allows entrants to compete and receive feedback in preparation for District and International PPA Competitions. PPSA strives to use the same rules that PPA uses for the IPC (International Photographic Competition). However, while there are no scores given at IPC competition (merit/no merit only), PPSA continues to use the traditional scoring system (65-100) as illustrated above. This gives you the opportunity to test the strength of your images at a local level before entering larger competitions. We encourage members and non-members to participate in PPSA's annual image competition. The following categories, rules, and guidelines will assist those wanting to enter our annual digital photographic competition.
PPSA members in good standing may enter up to (4) entries at no charge. Additional entries may be entered for $10 each. A total of (8) entries are allowed. Non-members may enter up to eight (8) entries at $10/ea. Please note: A member in good standing is referred to one who has paid their dues and attended 3 meetings in the last 12 months.
- Go to www.printcompetition.com and create your account if you do not already have one.
- Log on and choose the PPSA logo for the competition.
- Start uploading your images and be sure to enter a title.
- Choose a category from the list below. If you are entering a Digital Artist entry, you must provide guide images.
- Fees are paid through the printcompetition.com website; entries are not eligible for competition until any applicable fees are paid. Up to (8) entries are allowed. Entrants may enter any combination of categories. Each album is considered as a single entry.
- Portrait -- Photographs of individuals or groups, regardless of age or number of individuals, as well as animals. (Exception – those that meet the criteria for Illustrative, Wedding, or Digital Artist categories)
- Scenic -- Scenes or elements from nature where people are not the dominant feature of the image. This includes most nature and landscape photographs.
- Illustrative -- Images such as photographic art, photojournalism, architectural, commercial, or other images that do not fit the other categories. Portraits and wedding images are not appropriate for this category.
- Wedding -- Any photographic image from a wedding event or bridal portrait session. Engagement images are not appropriate for this category.
- Digital Artist -- Composites, paintings, and other elements that extend beyond traditional retouching and change the entire scope of the finished product.
- Artist may use an image or images in their entry that they did not photograph.
- Entries may be reproduced from existing photographs, portraits, graphics, or any other artwork so long as the entrant is prepared to provide appropriate written documentation indicating permission for usage. The artist does not need to have taken the photographic elements.
- The entrant must do All processing, manipulation, artwork, and rendering.
- Entries in the Digital Artist category can include any subject.
- Guide images must be included on the face of the image, either below or alongside the artwork.
- Album - Albums may be of any subject. The member must have captured and created the original image(s), including elements within the Digital Artist category.
PPSA members in good standing may enter up to (4) entries at no charge. Additional entries may be entered for $10 each. A total of (8) entries are allowed. Non-members may enter up to eight (8) entries at $10/ea. Please note: A member in good standing is referred to one who has paid their dues and attended 3 meetings in the last 12 months.
- Entries will not be accepted after the submission deadline. Please see printcompetition.com for the submission deadline.
- Entrants must register on printcompetition.com and have an account to participate.
- Entries are not accepted until entry fees, if applicable, are paid.
- Only digital entries will be accepted.
- The entrant must have captured and created the original image(s), unless included as an element within the Digital Artist category.
- Multiple entries of the same subject may be entered if substantive change has been made between the images. (i.e. background, location, clothing, and concept).
- The entrant’s name or studio name shall not appear anywhere on the face of any entry.
- The entrant has obtained all necessary releases (model or property).
- No entry will be eligible that has been made under the direct supervision of an instructor or as a class assignment.
- No entry will be eligible that has previously Merited or scored an 80 or above in a State, Regional or International PPA affiliated event.
- Files must be sized so the longest dimension is 4,000 pixels. The best aspect ratio to use for the monitor for your image is a 13:20 ratio of 2600px by 4000px. Each file must contain an embedded color profile of either sRGB or AdobeRGB and be saved at a JPEG quality setting of 10. In most cases, total file size should not exceed 3.5 MB.
- It is not necessary to be present at the image competition to be eligible to particpate, however it is strongly recommended.
- All images are viewed with the monitor in a horizontal (landscape) orientation, consistent with PPA District and IPC standards.
- Only digital entries will be accepted.
- Entrant must have captured and created the original exposures.
- All processing, manipulation, printing or rendering must have been done by the entrant or under their direct supervision.
- The entrant's name or studio name shall not appear anywhere on the face of the entry.
- All page/spread files must have the longest file dimension at 4,000 pixels, have an embedded color profile of either sRGB or AdobeRGB and be saved at a JPEG quality of 10.
- Each page/spread file may contain as many images as you desire.
- An entry shall contain a minimum 5 page/spread files up to 36 page/separate files.
- Files are to be numbered in viewing order using two digits, i.e. 01.jpg, 02.jpg, 03.jpg, etc.
- All individual files must be compressed into a single ZIP file. ZIP file name should use underscores for spaces. For example, what_a_day_to_remember.zip
- PPSA Member Awards
- Best Overall Image of the Year
- Best Overall Album of the Year
- Best of Year - (each category)
- Distinguished Image Award - (each category)
- Highest Scoring Image by a CPP
- Open Awards (Members and Non-Members are eligible)
- Best of Show - (each category)
- Distinguished Image Award - (each category)
NOTE: Award recipients are responsible for picking up earned award(s) in San Antonio, Texas or may have the award(s) shipped at their own expense.
Judging will be to PPA standards, but it should be noted this is NOT a PPA-affiliated competition, and PPA merits can NOT be earned. PPSA has the authority to re-categorize, correct data entry discrepancies, or disqualify any entry. Disqualified entries may be judged but are ineligible to receive any awards.
All entries are due no later than November 19th 10:00 pm. The entries must be submitted online at www.PrintCompetition.com
If you have any questions, please email Trey Homan at Trey@ehoman.com.