Fellowship Points
PPSA is dedicated to the enrichment of our profession and serves as a benchmark for Professional Photographers. The PPSA Fellowship Program is designed as a means of rewarding those individuals who have given freely of their time and talents in service to their fellow members. It also serves as encouragement for members who have always volunteered in the past to continue to do so. The Fellowship Degree is earned in two phases, each part requires the member to earn fifty points for a total of one hundred points. To collect these points, members must fill out and submit the online Google Sheet. Links for your fellowship will be emailed upon request. Trey@ehoman.com Points will not be credited unless they are submitted on the proper form and by the specified time frame. The deadline for collecting and submitting points will be by the November general meeting for the preceding calendar year. Points earned after the deadline will be applied towards the following twelve months. There will be no exceptions to the cutoff date.
This degree may be presented to those individuals whose years of dedication and contribution to professional photography have reached far beyond the bounds of our association and made it incumbent on PPSA to bestow this honor.
The second part of the degree is the Full Fellowship degree. This is designed for the active member involved in the total photographic effort. The requirements for this part include earning an additional 50 points for a total of 100 points, at least 10 of which are points earned through monthly and year end print competitions, including the winning of trophies. All points earned by winning in monthly print competitions or through the winning of end-of year trophies become part of the ten points necessary to complete the Full fellowship degree.
Additional fellowship points may be earned for continued support of our organization. To signify a member's support a Fellowship Band for every additional 25 points, over 100, earned will be awarded.