Why you should join the Professional Photographers of San Antonio (PPSA)
PPSA offers Professional, Aspiring and Student Photographers as well as Photography Enthusiasts enhanced and engaging continuing education with direct networking opportunities in the company of fellow photographers.
PPSA offers monthly education with live experienced speakers in photography. Programs not only cover the art and science of the craft but the business and technical programs as well. Our workshops bring you to the next level with hands on experience and guidance from the guest speaker.
PPSA Image Evaluation. Looking for guidance on how to take your craft to an elevated level? Our digital print evaluation is a great way to listen to PPA certified judges discuss images and offer suggestions on how they may be improved. Evaluations continue with our end of year competition with Judging for best of categories presented at our Annual Awards Banquet in December.
PPSA is an affiliate of PPA. Allowing members to grow professionally and earn merits while under the umbrella of the Professional Photographers of America’s degree program.
PPSA offers a Texas School scholarship at our Annual Awards Banquet. Those PPSA members that attend a set number of meetings during the calendar year will be eligible for the drawing for the scholarship. Members must be present at the Awards Banquet to win.
PPSA has a wide and diverse membership with which to socialize. Have questions on lens choice? We have members! Curious about software? We have members! Need help creating a plan to photograph a ball team? We have members!
PPSA exists because members see the value of encouraging one another to grow in their photographic success. We feel that raising the quality of our craft creates new opportunities for us to each grow professionally within our craft.